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Through The Lens

Video 10th December 2015 Cascade – Danny MacAskill

Donny MacAskill is about my all-time favourite street trials rider, his ability to move his bike along a fine line is outstanding. In his latest promo video for GoPro, “Cascade” he rides the rooftops of Grand Canaria in his usual style of insane jumps and vertigo-inducing balancing acts, all culminating in a grand finale splash down. GoPro really …

Video 16th February 2014 A New Height In Photography

Two photographers, Vadim Makhorov & Vitaliy Raskalov, have shot to internet fame by climbing to the top of the still under construction Shanghai Tower in China on the last day of last year. They videoed themselves both in the lead up to the climb and on the roof of the 632 metre high tower, the second tallest building in …

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