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Through The Lens

Photography Video 24th July 2014 Leopard Seal V. A National Geographic Photographer

Listen & watch as Paul Nicklen, National Geographic photographer, describes the few days he spent with a large leopard seal with a great mothering instinct.

Video 8th March 2014 Goshawk Hunts In Slow Motion

Watch this Goshawk hunt in slow motion as it locks onto it’s prey in the air and swoops in for the grab. It’s prey, a balloon filled with water. Shot using very high speed cameras in a studio in the UK by Earth Unplugged, a group that make films for their YouTube channel about all …

Photography 17th February 2014 Deers In The Mist

  My kids are snuggled up watching Disney’s Bambi with all his up’s and downs, so with that in mind a came across these beautifully haunting images of deers in the mist. Almost silhouetted out the deer roam free through Richmond Park in London UK. Photographer Sirli Raitma captured these images, keeping a good distance …

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