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Through The Lens

Photography 26th November 2014 Naked and Free (Running)

Tim Shieff is a World Champion Parkour athlete, he is also the subject of a project he and his fellow free running athlete and photographer, Jason Paul, put together to produce a limited run of fine art prints. Their inspiration for this comes from their relationship with TV chief Jamie Oliver, AKA the naked chef, …

Photography 27th February 2014 London Overlaid

A great mix of modern with the past, classic paintings of London overlaid onto images from Google Street View gives a slightly out of balance view of the city. A city that is packed with history, it’s sometimes easy to forget that London was considered the centre of world power for a long time. Already …

Photography 17th February 2014 Deers In The Mist

  My kids are snuggled up watching Disney’s Bambi with all his up’s and downs, so with that in mind a came across these beautifully haunting images of deers in the mist. Almost silhouetted out the deer roam free through Richmond Park in London UK. Photographer Sirli Raitma captured these images, keeping a good distance …

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